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Frequently Asked Questions

A quick reference for questions regarding the Colloquium. If you don't find what you are looking for here, please don't hesitate to contact us by email. 

What would you like to know?

The Colloquium is committed to making the conference as open and accessible as possible. However, Sewanee is located in a remote, rural area which gives the conference both advantages and challenges. You can find answers to many common questions below, but feel free to contact us about additional questions. 

Who can participate in the Colloquium?

The Sewanee Medieval Colloquium welcomes papers and proposals for panels or subthemes from anyone who holds a Ph.D. or who is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program. We especially look for a variety of disciplines and geographic interests. While many of our papers deal with European contexts, we especially value work that considers Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Americas. Our definition of "medieval" is similarly capacious, and we frequently include medievalism and reception of medieval texts, archives, and tropes in later periods as a prominent part of our programs. 

How much do registration and meals cost? 

Each year we re-evaluate costs based on current prices for food, equipment, and labor costs. We will make announcements about prices once we have built the schedule for the conference and have a good estimate as to how many people will be attending. However, we do use a tiered registration system, with reduced prices for contingent faculty and also for graduate students. 

Should I plan on purchasing meals at the conference?

We strongly recommend joining us for meals -- and we take our responsibility as hosts quite seriously. One of the unusual things about the Colloquium is how our remote location causes most people to eat together during the conference. In part, this is because there aren't many good options within walking distance from the conference, in part because our catering is usually very good, and in part because this is where a lot of collaboration and conversation takes place. Rather than dispersing between sessions, participants at the conference take the opportunity to continue conversations from their sessions and to begin new ones. We are happy to accommodate all dietary restrictions, and you will have the opportunity to note specific requirements when you purchase meal tickets. 

What is included in registration?

We provide breakfast and coffee breaks each day as part of your registration fee. Meal tickets are purchased separately when you register, and the form for meals closes two weeks before the event. We also offer a shuttle from the conference hotel in the morning and the evening, although many participants choose to rent a car (or carpool) to have more flexibility during the day. 

Is there funding available to help with costs?

Yes, we are very proud to be able to offer funding to help participants traveling to the conference. A very generous gift allows us to distribute approximately $5,000 a year to those without institutional support, with priority going to graduate students in the field. For more information about how to apply for funding, see the description of the grant and access the form here. 

Can I purchase meal tickets for a spouse, child, or guest? 

Yes, absolutely. We will send out a form that will allow you to purchase additional meal tickets, as needed. Like with the regular registration,  this form will close two weeks before the conference. 

What is the best airport to use? And how do I get from the airport to campus? 

We recommend the Nashville International Airport (BNA) for most conference participants. Nashville is 1.5 hours away, and there is a shuttle that runs from the airport to Monteagle, where the conference hotel is located. You can find more information about travel here.

Where should I stay? 

We have reserved rooms at a reduced rate at the Monteagle Smokehouse and Lodge, a short drive (~6 miles) away from campus. You can learn more about accommodations, including other options in the area, here.

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