Enjoying (or Extending) Your Stay
One of the great draws to campus for students and community members is the amount of natural beauty we are located within. Sewanee is home to a wealth of options for outdoor adventure, so if you are at all inclined there are a lot of wonderful places to explore. The Cumberland State Park system also has many beautiful hikes (of varying difficulty), full of wildflowers, waterfalls, and beautiful views.
We pride ourself on making meals at the conference an important part of what we offer to participants. Our wonderful caterer, Natural Bridge Events, ensures that the fare at the conference is both plentiful and delicious. Breakfasts and coffee breaks are included in the conference registration, and lunch and dinner tickets are available for purchase when you register. Most attendees choose to eat together for these meals, extending the conversations and collaborations from the day's panels. However, there are other options available if you need them, both on campus and off.