Rejoicing and Recurrence
Organizers: Catherine Sanok (U of Michigan) and Claire Waters (UC Davis)
The theme of Jubilee, which can call to mind feasting or feast days (religious and secular), papal spectacle, and eternal rejoicing, among other things, draws our attention to many aspects of recurrence. Those aspects might include frequency (how many iterations constitute recurrence? how is recurrence experienced: as rare or regular?), scale (what is the recurring unit? is it large or small, and how does that matter?), and networks (how do elements of the recurrent object/practice relate to one another, and/or to their cultural/formal surroundings?). This thread asks for papers on recurring forms (e.g. poetic stanzas, sequences of images, narrative doublings), times (e.g. hours, feasts, days, years), and practices (reading, prayer, domestic and agricultural work) as they help us to think about aspects of jubilation and rejoicing.